Cross Canada Journey – Virtually

With the fall season upon us, I’ve been hooking my bike up to a smart trainer this fall as part of my training plan so I can participate in virtual spin classes through TJfit. At some point I will leave my Sutra on the trainer for the winter and ride my winter bike outside. In addition to the spin classes, I will be doing plenty of riding with Zwift, so I anticipate logging plenty of kilometers in the comfort of my basement to maintain my “cycling legs”.

As with most things these days, I am going to take my journey on-line over the fall and winter months. Since I will be riding anyway preparing for the real thing, I thought it would fun to track my distances while training and plot my progress on a map (below). I will be following the proposed route for next year, and will add some points of interest along the way.

To see where I am, or where I would be if this was real, simply click the red bicycle icons on the map. You will see a little pop up of where I am and my daily and cumulative distances. A little tip, it’s best to click on the red icon on the outer edge away from the blue icon, it’s a bit finicky.