Coffee in Westboro?

Still trying to figure out how meeting at Equator Coffee on Churchill turned into a 65 km cycle in the Gatineau Park!

Sadly, I can be talked into anything if there is lunch at the end of the line.

We headed out after a cup of coffee (Equator has the best espresso/americano in Ottawa – IMHO) and stopped on Bate’s Island to look at the water levels in the Ottawa River. The video below doesn’t do it justice.

A quick stop at G.M Bertand Cycles in Hull put us on route to the Gatineau Park. After a tough climb to Pink’s Lake we hit a snag; a detour due to construction that would add a few more hills and three km to our route – again, and always glass half-full, I think “this just means a bit more to eat at lunch.

With cycling, one is always rewarded for climbing a hill; we enjoyed long descent into Old Chelsea where a coffee and lunch was waiting. It was very cold for May 16th but nothing a bol of café au lait couldn’t fix! By the way, food and service at Le Biscotti is always exceptional and worth every metre of climbing!

Water levels on Ottawa River

One last thing Bill, this blog entry, from the owner of Allo Vélo in Montreal, has some interesting tidbits not the least of which is his take on WarmShowers 😀.


Paul McCloskey

Bring on the snow

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1 Response

  1. Deb says:

    Thanks for sharing your blog with me. Great tidbits re: restos; Joe and I need bikes before we can even be challenged.. hope to follow your journey – Deb

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