The plan

The tentative plan is to cycle from Vancouver BC to St. John’s NFLD, over 7,400 kms. I’m throwing around the idea of cycling from Tofino to St. John’s, but I need to figure out the logistics of getting to Tofino. This will make it a true coast to coast trip.

My route is based on a book written by  Steve Langston called “Canada by Bicycle”. This book outlines a 72 day bike ride Steve took across Canada. He describes features of the route on a daily basis: the terrain, where he stayed and other important items like good bike shops. I have changed the route a bit to suit what I want to see, such as travelling to southern New Brunswick to camp at Mactaquac where we camped as a family when I was a kid, taking the ferry in St. John to Digby N.S. so I can go to Bridgewater to see my friend Wayne, and going to Halifax to visit my brother Mike. I also want to go through PEI.

The average daily distance I will put on the bike will be 113 kms, however the range goes from 62 kms (from Portneuf QC to Quebec City QC) to 174kms (from Blind River ON to Sudbury ON), hopefully that’s all downhill.

I’ve decided that the most I will cycle is 5 days in a row before I take a day break to rest up and do some laundry. That being said, for the most part I will be cycling at most 3 or 4 days in a row so I can spend some extra time in a city to see friends or family, like Marlene and Charlie in Calgary, Crystal in Saskatoon or Jacinthe in Dieppe, NB.

The start and end dates are set so Sue can see me off in Vancouver (or Tofino) at the beginning of my journey and be in St. John’s to greet me at the end of my journey. I am also hoping she can join me during certain points throughout the trip.

So that’s the overall plan. I know there are risks but my planning is important to mitigate those risks, like planning to be off major roads wherever possible, and feasible. Like putting in a training plan to ensure I am in good physical shape, and ensuring I have the gear I need early, to ensure I know how to use and maintain it before I go on the trip, rather than figuring things out while I am on the trip. My preparation will the subject of a future blog.

Take good care




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11 Responses

  1. Jessica says:

    Is Tofino still on the table? If we can help you on the island – let us know!! Happy to help!!

    • baggsb says:

      Hi Jessica, yes, Tofino is still on the table, as is Victoria since it is mile zero of the Trans Canada Highway. Thanks for your offer, I just might take you up on some assistance. Off the top of your head though, do you know if there is a shuttle to Tofino from Vancouver where I can bring my bike and gear?

  2. James and Heather O’Brien says:

    You can pitch your tent in our yard here in Sault Ste Marie….or splurge and stay inside.

    James and Heather

  3. upthehill says:

    Good luck Bill – this is quite the endeavour!

  4. pwmcc says:

    Interesting route through Ontario? And you missed Prince Edward Island 😕

    • baggsb says:

      There could be a number of changes in the route: (1) going north in Saskatchewan to see the Humbolt Broncos memorial, (2) shifting the route in Ontario to take me through the Park, (3) taking in PEI.

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